AMSIMR organised a Guidance Session on ‘Career Options for Management Graduates’ by Bombay Management Association on November 15, 2014 for the students of MMS Course.
Director Dr.R.M. Kumar emphasised the need to choose specialisation and career by considering the talents and interest of students and scope of growth in future.
Ms.Sneha Maheshwari, HRS Representative-Associate, FedEx and Ms.Divya Ramakrishnan, Sr.SAP HR Consultant, Atos India Pvt. Ltd. discussed about HR functions, scope and competencies required to become an effective HR professional.
Mr.Ashish Sinha, Deputy Manager-Treasury, Godavari Biorefineries Ltd., described careers in finance and skills for a good finance professional.
Mr.Ankur Shukla, Manager-Branding-Sugar, Godavari Biorefineries Ltd., explained the job opportunities, scope and talents required in the marketing field.
Mr.Bhaskar Joshi, General Manager-HR, Somaiya Group of Industries, summarised the process of selection of specialisation and career by his valuable thoughts.