As per the circular dated 13/09/2024 received from AICTE, our institute undertook to organize ‘One Day Special Plantation Drive’ on 17 th September, 2024 (under ‘Merilife’) within the premises of the institute. At the outset, Prof. Francis Lobo made a spontaneous address on the occasion for all present (i.e.The Director – Dr. Iram T. Shaikh, Faculties: Prof. Francis Lobo, Prof. Parth Bal and Dr, Rama Goel and the current SY students of 2022 – 24 batch). All of them came forward volunteering and assisted in planting the plantlets in pots made available to them. So, as an occasion of a special plantation drive, we all together planted plants of fruits (Mango and Chickoo), crotons (show plants), flowers (periwinkle and rose) and medicinal values (Basil and turmeric).