India’s 71st Republic day event was celebrated in the Institute campus on Sunday, 26th Jan’ 2020. The event began on a note of flag hoisting by Mrs. Meenal Kulkarni – Librarian followed by an address of importance of this day by Prof Pankaj Kulkarni supported further with a small speech given by Prof Sachin Khare.
Thereafter the students of 1st & 2nd year MMS presented hour long cultural programmes which showcased glimpses of the Importance of this day
The events included the following
- A short film on Republic day,
- Speech on Relevance of Republic Day in today’s times by Ms. Anagha – 1st year MMS student , and the current situation problems faced by India – Speech by Ms. Sangeeta- 2nd Year MMS
- Skit showing the importance of country above all religion, caste etc. by 1st Year MMS students
- Group song of Patriotic theme by 2nd year MMS students – Ms.Neha & Group
- Group song of Patriotic theme by 1st Year MMS students – Ms. Pranita &Group
- Group dance on Patriotic theme by 1st Year MMS students – Mr.Nilesh & group
Thereafter the convocation ceremony followed the Republic day celebrations whereby the MMS 2019 passed out batch students attended the function with eagerness.
The convocation began with Prof Francis lobo welcoming the students for the ceremony and wished them best of luck for their future life endeavours.
5 students from the batch shared their experiences of their journey of 2 years during the MMS study.
Thereafter the degree certificates were handed over to the respective students by the Faculties
The event organization saw a lot of enthusiasm and motivation on part of the students’ participants who presented a lovely display of their talent to celebrate the
Republic Day as well as to ensure the smooth functioning of the Convocation event. .
The event concluded with vote of thanks & snacks served thereafter.