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On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Azad, October 15th has been declared as the ‘Vachan Prerna Diwas’ or the reading inspiration day by the government. Our
institute undertook to organize ‘Vachan Prerna Diwas’ on 15 th October, 2024 within the library of the institute.

At the outset, Prof. Parth Bal addressed the attendees briefing them about the significance of the day (i.e.The Director – Dr. Iram T. Shaikh, Faculties: Dr, Rama Goel, Prof. Francis Lobo, Prof

Shahid Qureshi & Prof Sonali Prajapati and the current FY students of 2023 – 25 batch). Also, a briefing regarding the rich collection housed by the Library & some of the open access journals available on the Internet was given. The students were encouraged to cultivate good reading habits, with a strong emphasis on the proposed benefits of readings that the students will gain.

The links of two open access journals were shared with the attendees, along with the journals contents and their significance for the MMS course.

1. Economics and Business Review
2. International Journal of Management Studies

The students explored the library’s collection in further depth and the online journals, with enthusiasm and interest.
The event concluded later in the evening.