Anti ragging day was organized in the Institute premises on 12.08.2023, the event was to create an awareness about the consequences of ragging on a person’s mind as well as Physical health.
The event began with Introduction of the day by Prof Pankaj Kulkarni, which was followed by a short talk on the subject by Director I/c – Dr Iram Shaikh who lay an emphasis on why it is important to be aware of the term ragging and how damaging it can be on an individual, the steps taken by government and authorities to create awareness and prevent ragging through the anti-ragging event.
Thereafter Ms Nikita Vanne – MMS I Year student gave a short speech on the ill effects of ragging, some information on the provisions in the law and the punishment mentioned in the anti-ragging act 2019.
It was followed by playing of short videos on the subject.
The students were able to understand the serious consequences of the ragging and also agreed to spread maximum awareness on anti ragging through their efforts.
Further As a part of the ongoing Anti ragging week a poster drawing competition was held at the Institute 0n 17.08.2023 , the students participated in the event and made the posters based on the anti ragging theme.