Business Plan presentation day was organized in the Institute on Thu, 14th Dec ‘2023. The student groups gave presentations of their Business ideas. Prof Pankaj Kulkarni welcomed all the faculty members and students. Total of 3 groups had taken part in the presentation with 4 students comprising a group.
The ideas of business presented were
1. Exotica Perfume
A new perfume made from rare natural ingredients imported from Bulgaria, Italy andaiming for a premium market
2. Levigate petals
A beauty face pack made from natural ingredients and suitable for all types of skin and available from Natural ingredients like gram flour, rose flower petals etc
3. Dharani Hair oil
A nourishing hair oil that nourishes the hair as well as the scalp.and suitable for everyone and made available at an affordable price.
The presentations were evaluated by Dr Rama Goel and Prof Bharat Vira .